International Creative Platform

ACR - Años 30

Femme Hybride


ACR - Años 30
French-Colombian actress. Ulima trained in Dramatic Art in 2006, at the Teatro Libre de Bogotá (Colombia). She made her professional debut by joining La Casa del Silencio, directed by Carlos Agudelo, pioneer of dramatic body mime in Colombia, Quinta Picota, and the classical theatre company Teatro Libre. She participates in several Iberoamerican festivals, tours the country, and conducts voice and movement workshops.
In 2015, Ulima will continue this journey in the theatre of movement by following the two-year course at the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School. This trip to Paris will allow her to make decisive encounters for her career. It was with former students of the school that she created The Klump Company and First Round International Creative Platform.
From 2017 to 2019, she traveled between England, Portugal and France, her country of residence. She participated in the creation of "L'Esquisse" (AjaGato Company), "Family Blimp" (Klump Company), "ClaudelKahloWoolf" (HorizontalVertical Company) and "Why do old people with nothing to do cross at red lights? "(Collective 2222).
In 2019, she began the creation of her Solo: "Femme Hybride" produced by First Round ICP. An autobiographical Fiction.
Her quest for versatility allows her to act in several languages and to play roles both dramatic and comic. She alternates different styles of theatre, including text, gestural theatre, clown, mask, grotesque and tragedy.