International Creative Platform
Solo by Andrea Vida

Night, insomnia.
Waiting becomes unpredictable, reality mingles with dreams.
An eccentric traveller accidentally lands on Earth. It is the beginning of a strange odyssey, the preparation of the return trip to the Moon, his native land.
Death is not about being unable to communicate,
but no longer being understood.
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Creation in progress
Anything is possible

Photos by Sean Cackoski
February 2021
Creation session at "espace Beaujon", Paris
Second presentation for "Open Ring" 1st Round ICP
March 2020
New creation session at Le Cinq - Le Centquatre, Paris /!/>> 2nd lockdown. Everything changes.
December 2019
Presentation for the "Journée Portes Ouvertes" 1st Round ICP - Theatre de Verre, Paris
November 2019
Project selected for the " Curiosité(s) " call of Le Cinq - Le Centquatre, Paris
June 2019
Beginning of creation - Théâtre de Verre, Paris
Produced by